
The overall objective of DIAS project is the development and pilot-scale demonstration of an innovative thermal energy storage (TES) technological solution of low-cost and high performance and exploitable in both large- and small-scale facilities to achieve optimization between the peaks of electricity production and demand and elimination of energy wastage.

Specific objectives

The objectives of the DIAS project focus on developing an innovative TES system using recycled CDW-based inorganic polymers. The project aims to address energy storage challenges while promoting environmental and economic sustainability. Key objectives and expected results include:

Material Development: Formulate CDW-based inorganic polymers for TES applications with thermal stability up to ~700°C.

Specifications and Standards: Identify critical properties and establish specifications for TES materials.

Sustainability Proof: Evaluate the sustainability of CDW-based TES polymers.

Performance Testing: Test TES materials under heating and cooling cycles between 600°C and 25°C.

3D TES Structure Development: Create engineered 3D TES structures based on CDW.

Scalable Modular TES System: Develop a modular, adaptable TES system for various applications.

System Upscaling: Scale up the TES module and simulate operational conditions.

Prototype Demonstration: Demonstrate the TES system at pilot scale.

Techno-Economic Evaluation: Assess the TES solution’s technical and economic viability.


The DIAS project focuses on the development of a Thermal Energy Storage (TES) system utilizing CDW-based inorganic polymers and innovative geopolymerization technology. The methodology is structured around two main activities: Design, Development, and Upscaling of TES System, which includes optimizing materials and module design, followed by lab-scale testing and performance validation under simulated charging/discharging cycles to achieve Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 6; and Innovation-Related Activities, involving the development of a pre-commercial TES prototype, pilot-scale production, operational testing, and comprehensive sustainability and techno-economic evaluations to reach TRL 7 for large-scale production and commercialization.

WP1: Project Management – Focuses on managing the project’s administrative, financial, and technical aspects, ensuring proper coordination, reporting, and monitoring of progress.

WP4: Upscaling and Performance Testing – Focuses on scaling up the production of TES modules using casting and 3D printing, followed by extensive testing under charging/discharging cycles to validate performance.

WP2: Project Promotion and Dissemination – Promotes the project to relevant audiences, disseminates scientific findings, and develops strategies for managing intellectual property and future commercialization.

WP5: Prototype Development and Pilot Demonstration – Involves creating a full-scale prototype and demonstrating its performance under real-world conditions in pilot-scale tests.

WP3: Engineering of Materials – Involves developing and testing new inorganic polymer materials made from CDW for use in TES, optimizing material properties for high-temperature applications.

 WP6: Techno-Economic Evaluation and Sustainability – Assesses the economic feasibility, sustainability, and commercial viability of the TES system through cost-benefit analysis, environmental impact evaluation, and market potential analysis.