The SOLiD project will create a sustainable and cost-efficient pilot-scale manufacturing process for a high energy density, safe, and easily recyclable solid-state Li-metal battery. We will use roll-to-roll (R2R) dry extrusion coating for the blend of cathode active material, solid polymer electrolyte, and conducting additives. R2R slot dies coated primers on the cathode current collector will enhance adhesion, performance, and corrosion resistance of the cell. The polymer electrolyte layer will be R2R coated, using an optimal design for the slot die head. For the Li metal anode, we will utilize cost-efficient R2R pulsed laser deposition, which enables minimizing the Li thickness down to 5 µm. The Li metal production will be combined with an inline process for interfacial engineering to ensure compatibility with the other layers and stability. The process development will be supported by digitalization methods to go towards zero-defect and cost-efficient manufacturing.
The proposed methods enable sustainable manufacturing of Gen. 4b solid-state batteries with a minimized amount of critical raw materials (Co and Li), and with superior performance and safety: The protective layers enable the use of NMC811, which reduces the amount of Co to a minimum without compromising the lifetime, and PLD process helps to minimize the Li thickness. The dry coating eliminates the use of toxic solvents and energy-consuming drying steps, and digital quality control will reduce the amount of waste. The thickness of each layer will be minimized to reach an energy density above 900 Wh/l. The cost will be reduced by cost-effective production methods and by maximizing the yield. Safety and long cycle life are guaranteed by the solid electrolyte and the protective interlayers. Supported by life-cycle thinking and stakeholder engagement, the SOLiD project will enable the design of a sustainable solid-state battery factory of the future.

Title:Sustainable manufacturing and optimized materials and interfaces for lithium metal batteries with digital quality control
Category:European Projects
Program:Horizon Europe
Funding:European Commission
Contract No:101069505
Budget:€ 8.701.240,00
Starting Date:01/09/2022
End Date:31/08/2026
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