Advanced additively manufactured permanent Magnets for New Energy and MObility Applications
The MagNEO project:
The main goal of the MagNEO project is to develop the EU version of REE-free permanent magnets (PM) for new energy and mobility applications. The concept is based on optimal compositions of novel AlNiCo & HEAs that will be produced by additive manufacturing (AM). Recycling strategies will be developed to allow for environmentally friendly and efficient reuses of dissimilar metals, with focus on Co recovery. The targeted properties of the REE-free PMs are (BH)max ≥55 kJ/m3 with a Co content ≤24% and (BH)max ≥72 kJ/m3 with a Co content ≤35%. The goal will be realised through the development of strategies using: 1) open-source modelling tools, high-throughput digital and experimental screening, and machine learning to accelerate the development of novel environmentally friendly materials, with compositions suitable for AM, throughout the multicomponent alloy phase space, 2) the advantages of AM, such as shape optimization, microstructural engineering, combined with full heat treatment to process novel anisotropic microstructures with improved coercivity, exhibiting (BH)max >55 kJ/m3. The performance of the magnets will be confirmed for applications in a) low-speed PM generators in wind turbines and ship propulsion shafts, (b) high speed (>100 m/s) rotors in heat pumps and (c) ABS sensors and headlamp systems in automotive. The upscaling process will be conducted through techno-economic analyses performed by the end-users. This procedure will begin with a proof of concept at TRL3-4 and will culminate with technology validation at TRL6. MagNEO is a well-balanced consortium of multidisciplinary experts that will contribute to training and joint actions with other European projects and increase the competitiveness and sustainability of European industry by bringing innovative materials and new methods closer to the marked and permitting the establishment of REE-free products in novel areas at acceptable costs.Partners:

Title:Advanced additively manufactured permanent Magnets for New Energy and MObility Applications
Category:European Projects
Program:Horizon Europe
Funding:European Commission
Contract No:101130095
Budget:€ 7.781.281,00
Starting Date:01/05/2024
End Date:30/04/2028