Youth Board of Cyprus
Purchase of Services for the operation of the Program of the Cyprus Youth Organization “The STEAMers – Kids”
Our company in a Joint Venture with Frederick University undertook the project for the operation of the Program of the Cyprus Youth Organization "The STEAMers - Kids".
The general objective of the Convention is the development and successful operation of the program "The STEAMers - Kids" for Primary and High School children, with the aim of developing the children's skills around the STEM educational methodology.
The program will be hosted in the 7 Polycenters of the Youth Organization in all the provinces of Cyprus, as well as in 2 mountainous communities (Agros, Evrychou). The program will consist of various interdisciplinary workshops, which will combine the themes: Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics, so as to develop technological knowledge, without bypassing the creativity and expressiveness of young people.

Title:Purchase of Services for the operation of the Program of the Cyprus Youth Organization “The STEAMers – Kids”
Category:Public Sector
Funding:Republic of Cyprus
Contract No:ΟΝΕΚ 2024/20
Budget:€ 449.124,00
Starting Date:07/10/2024
End Date:06/10/2026