RTD Talos provides consulting services related to the preparation of forms, registrations and other compliance requirements in accordance with European Regulation no. 1272/2008 / EC (CLP Regulation).
CLP Regulation (no. 1272/2008 / EC) concerns the classification, labeling and packaging of chemicals and mixtures. It is a key part of the legislation used in the European Union to define and communicate the hazardous properties of chemicals and mixtures. It defines how chemicals that are hazardous (eg carcinogenic or hazardous to the aquatic environment) are classified, and how these hazards are communicated to supply chains, consumers and workers.
CLP Symbols
Physical Hazards

Corrosive to metals



Gas under pressure

Health Hazards
Environmental Hazards

Health hazard


Serious health hazard

Acute toxicity

Hazardous to the environment